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Professional Certificate in Functional & Holistic Nutrition

Nutritional imbalances are potential contributors or causes of several chronic conditions. Nutrition-based interventions may bring relief or potentially resolve these conditions completely. This course integrates Chinese Medicine philosophy of dietary therapy with modern scientific knowledge that could further broaden your insights on food and nutrition for optimal health. When high-quality nutrition is applied effectively and consistently, it may prevent future chronic disease from happening. This foundational course provides you specific insights into the world of Functional Medicine and how you can benefit from it yourself and share that knowledge with family, loved ones & society at large.


Starting Date

December 2022 Intake


4 months Learning Time,
Self-Paced Learning Mode



Course contents

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Here are our trainers

#is unexpected | #is awesome | #has quality features | #saved my life | #is the best

Jonathan Chew
Dr Khor Sea Moon
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Kit Mah
Jerhne Chew Mei Cheng
Dr Wan Shin
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